About Odd Man Out

Thursday, October 24 at 8:00 PM – OPENING NIGHT
Saturday, October 26 at 8:00 PM
Friday, November 1 at 8:00 PM
Sunday, November 3 at 4:00 PM – Performed in Spanish
Saturday, November 9 at 8:00 PM
Sunday, November 10 at 6:00 PM

If you are into transportive, breath-taking experiences, this is the event for you. Odd Man Out is an immersive sensorial experience that ignites your senses and your imagination.
You will take a flight like no other – in complete darkness. You arrive at our airport and wait at the PITCHBLACK Airlines lounge and gate where we prepare you for the journey. We guide you to your seat in a pitch-black cabin. Once on the flight, you will experience a story through sound, smell, taste and touch. You will even feel weather happening inside the room. But everything in complete darkness. Once you exit, we invite you to stay and take in the beauty, life and hope of your new destination.
The PITCHBLACK THEATER technique was developed in Argentina by blind and sighted artists, and it has expanded throughout the world. Alberto, the protagonist, is blind, and the audience experiences his life through the “blind” eyes of his character. Our expert team of technicians will take you on a journey beyond your wildest imagination, challenging your limits and awakening your senses. What you see when you can’t use your eyes – that’s the excitement of ODD MAN OUT.

A Story About Love and Fears left behind
PITCHBLACK Airlines invites you to take a journey you won’t forget. Alongside Alberto, a blind Argentine musician, we will experience the return flight to his country after having lived in New York for the past 40 years. We will travel through the memories of his life: childhood in his family home, adolescence, the first love that would shape his life, the darkest moments of Argentine history, his exile in the United States, his career as an artist, and the constant search for freedom between the cities of Buenos Aires and New York.
Forty percent of the staff and creative team are or blind and low-vision individuals. Our shows also use extensive sustainability practices, by minimally building or creating sets, lights and costumes in our productions

Immersive Sound
Sensorial Effects
Complete Darkness
The Word Is Out
Press Inquiries : chris@peakpublicity.com
The Creative Team of Odd Man Out

*Orginal music by Mirko Mescia.
The Cast of Odd Man Out

Frequently Asked Questions
The experience lasts 2 hours including boarding. There will be no intermission.
The experience is recommended for ages 13 and up. Everyone requires a ticket for entry.
The show is recommended for ages 13 and up. It contains adult language and violence. While there is not a strict minimum age, all patrons must be able to sit still, follow verbal instructions, and stay in their chairs for the duration of the performance. This is for the safety of our performers who are moving around the space in total darkness.
Yes. A staff member will walk you in and out of the cabin at your request. We have a special rest area should you want to come back onto the flight. But once it takes off, you cannot board. You will be able to hear the show through a special headset in the rest area.
VIP / First Class tickets include a drink at the lounge, premiere boarding with a small drink and snack, and a drink and food item at your destination.
There will be no late seating. There are no refunds for arriving late and missing the performance.
This show is a phone/smartwatch free experience. This experience takes place in complete darkness. Any light, however small, emitted from a phone or watch will ruin the experience for everyone. Therefore, you will be given a Yondr pouch into which your devices will be locked. You will keep your Yondr pouch with you but you won’t be able to open it. After the show, the staff will open your pouch for you. For more information about Yondr, click here.
As part of the experience, we encourage you to engage with our PITCHBLACK Airlines lounge and enjoy a drink before your flight, as well as food and drink after you arrive at your destination. Stay, connect, and learn more about us at PITCHBLACK.
THE Theater
Sheen Center
- 18 Bleecker Street , New York, New York, 10012
- (212) 219-3132
- info@sheencenter.org